This privacy policy was executed on 03/04/21 and remains in effect.

Onnyt, LLC (“Onnyt”) is committed to protecting the privacy of information and data that may be used to identify you, your personal information. The intention of this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is to disclose our information-gathering practices and describe how we use your personal information. The effective date of this Privacy Policy is March 4, 2021. 


We collect personal information from you if you use our website or our partner websites, fill out forms on our website or on paper at events. HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION

The personal information that we collect is used to perform our contractual obligations and for our other legitimate interests. In some cases, we may ask you for your consent to use your personal information, but any consent will be presented to you separately from this Privacy Policy. We may use your personal information for purposes including, but not limited to, the following:

  • To deliver services, products, or transactions that you have requested; and

  • To improve our website, including upgrading security measures; and

  • To send you promotional materials or communications regarding our content and services that we feel may be of interest to you; and

  • To evaluate the products and services that we offer and develop new or improved products or services and to better understand Onnyt’s business environment; and

  • For educational purposes, such as polls conducted in webinars; and

  • To conduct general research on topics of interests to Onnyt and its customers.


We may share your information for any of these purposes with the following individuals and entities:

  • Vendors engaged by Onnyt to provide certain services to you, including, but not limited to, payment processing management, credit screening, general onsite and offsite services, and vacancy management. Onnyt maintains contracts with our vendors requiring them to only use your personal information as necessary to provide their services and requiring them to comply with the requirements of this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

  • Services used by Onnyt to aid our ability to provide the best possible experience to you.

  • Onnyt may need to share your information for law enforcement or other legal purposes. This type of sharing may be necessary in connection with a lawsuit, claim or investigation, governmental inquiry, court order, enforcement of legal rights (e.g., contract terms, intellectual property rights, etc.), safety issue, or other similar legal or security matter. Sharing your information for these reasons is not a regular event but could arise from time to time. We will strive to limit the types and amount of information we may need to share for legal purposes to that which is reasonably necessary.

  • We may share (or receive) information about you, including personal contact information, in the event of an acquisition, merger, sale, corporate restructuring, bankruptcy, or other similar event that involves Onnyt. If such an event occurs, Onnyt will take reasonable steps to require that your information be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Onnyt is headquartered in the United States. Information we collect from you will be processed in the United States. The United States has not sought nor received a finding of “adequacy” from the European Union. With respect to transfer from the European Union, Onnyt relies on derogations for specific situations. In particular, Onnyt collects and transfers personal information to the United States only with your consent, to perform on a contract with you (or in your interest), or to fulfill a compelling legitimate interests of Onnyt in a manner that does not outweigh your rights and freedoms. Onnyt endeavors to apply suitable safeguards to protect the privacy and security of your personal information and to use it in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. Onnyt does not collect sensitive data such as data concerning health, gender, racial or ethnic origins, or genetic or biometric (known as special categories of data in the European Union) or personal information from children.


Onnyt retains personal information for as long as we have a legitimate business relationship with you or with an organization with which you are affiliated (such as your employer). We may also retain personal information about prospective customers or prospective employees until we determine that it is unlikely that we will provide you with services and/or employ you. We also may retain your personal information for as long as necessary to comply with our legal or contractual obligations.


If you do not want to receive promotional or marketing communications from Onnyt you may opt-out at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the end of our emails. If you choose to unsubscribe, we will retain your contact information to ensure that we do not contact you again.

If you are located in the European Union, you may have the following legal rights under European Union law:

  • To withdraw consent at any time, if we are processing your personal information on the basis of consent

  • To access the personal information Onnyt has about you

  • To request that Onnyt rectify or erase your personal information

  • To request that Onnyt restrict the way it uses your personal information

  • To object to the way Onnyt uses your personal information

  • To ask Onnyt to transfer your personal information to someone else

  • To lodge a complaint with a data protection agency in the European Union

If you are unable to remove the data please send a request to and Onnyt will remove all relevant data, so long as that removal is technically feasible, does not impact the accounting or business practices of our customers, and does not violate other regulatory or legal standards with which Onnyt must comply.


Onnyt uses a number of security technologies and procedures to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that third parties will not overcome these measures and gain access to your information. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Onnyt disclaims any warranty or guarantee that your information will be protected from misuse, appropriation, alteration, or loss.


This website contains links to websites that are not controlled by Onnyt. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content, security, and privacy practices of external sites. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of all websites where you submit personal information.


We and our authorized partners may use cookies and other information gathering technologies for a variety of purposes. These technologies may provide us with personal information, information about devices and networks you utilize to access our Websites, and other information regarding your interactions with our Websites. 


From time to time, Onnyt may change or update this Privacy Policy. We recommend you regularly review this page. When we update this Privacy Policy, we will also revise the “last updated” date at the top of this page. Onnyt will use reasonable commercial efforts to notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy that materially change the disclosures made here.

For California Residents

California “Do Not Track” Notice. Onnyt does not currently recognize and process “do not track” signals from different web browsers. For more information on “do not track” please visit

California Privacy Rights. Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California have the right to request from a business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, certain information with respect to the types of personal information the business shares with third parties for direct marketing purposes by such a third party and the identities of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. If you are a California resident and want a copy of this notice, please submit an email request to In your request, please specify that you want a “Your Onnyt California Privacy Rights Notice.” Please allow 30 days for a response.

California Consumer Privacy Act Rights. Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) California residents have certain rights regarding their personally identifiable information. If you would like to exercise these rights on or after January 1, 2020, please contact us using the linked forms, toll free phone number, or physical mailing address listed within the “Contact Information” section below. As provided by CCPA, we may require you to provide information to allow us to verify your identity before providing the requested information. It may take us some time to respond to your request, but we will do so within the requirements of the CCPA.

This Policy provides you disclosure regarding the personal information we collect from you and the purposes for doing so. Please see “How We Use Your Personal Information” for information regarding how collected information will be used. Please see “Information We Collect” for the categories of data we have collected over the last 12 months. 

Right to be free from discrimination: Onnyt will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under the CCPA. Please keep in mind that under certain circumstances, we may charge you a different price or rate, or provide a different level or quality of goods or services, if that difference is reasonably related to the value provided to you by your personal information.