Welcome to freedom.

Personalized bookkeeping solutions specifically tailored to Dance Studios in the US.


We get it.

You’re an operator.

You’re not a CPA.

You began the journey of owning your studio because you love dance. You have a creative mind. You’re more right than left. You’re not numbers. You may not have a budget in place and you more than likely don’t know how you compare financially to your competitions. We can help you.


You want stability.

You need help.

You don’t think you can afford it.

Onnyt is industry specific so we’re able to do more at scale. We’re not your part time bookkeeper. We’re not your CPA. We’re not your “in the middle of the night trying to figure things out”. Simply put, we provide you with financial data and analytics so you can make educated business decisions. Stability. Affordability. Partnership.


What are you waiting for?

Join us!

Let us show you how we can help to more effectively run your dance studio. Stop doing things that slow you down. Know where you stand financially every single minute of the day. Get help when you need it. Have freedom to run your business the way you want to.